25th German Equity Day

The event was aimed at representatives of the private equity and venture capital sector as well as the entire German private equity market, including SMEs and start-ups.
– It was exciting!

Our Managing Director Martin Ludwig Mayr was on site and positioned GOiNTERIM well in the scene. “It was a high-caliber and exciting exchange,” says Mayr, “I was able to meet well-known business partners but also make some new contacts.” And that is important!

The Equity Day addressed current trends and developments, provided valuable market insights and exclusive opportunities for personal exchanges with industry leaders, top investors and political decision-makers.

Some highlights:

  • Talk with Nico Rosberg, Investor & Formula 1 World Champion 2016 in conversation with Alexa von Busse
  • Opening address – Stefan B. Wintels, Chief Executive Officer of KfW Bankengruppe
  • Interesting impulse from Ralf Wintergerst, President of Bitkom. “We have to be open to new technologies and seize the opportunities here.”
  • Christian Lindner, Member of the German Bundestag and Federal Minister of Finance, emphasized the importance of Germany’s competitiveness as an investment location and demanded: “We need to mobilize more private capital in Germany and encourage more entrepreneurial risk-taking.” He is currently working on a program to reduce regulatory and tax hurdles.
    The aim is to strengthen Germany as a business location and make it more attractive again for foreign investors.
  • Other panels in the afternoon included discussions on PE- and VC-relevant topics such as the role of ESG criteria.
    Experts exchanged views on opportunities, risks and future trends.

This mix of investors, PE and VC firms together with banks, investors and political support shows the important position of this sector.

We are pleased that we have many partners here and are well-known in the scene.
Interim management has an important position here and can deliver real added value in many areas.

What is still to come?
Capital is available, politicians have clearly committed to setting the course and the demand is more than there.
So there will be a promising movement and the sector can support and develop the economy and companies on their path to success. We are there!

Many thanks to the BVK and the organizers of this outstanding event!

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