8th KIM – Conference for Interim Management: “DIGITALIZATION AND DECARBONIZATION” on 03. and 04 March 2023 in Salzburg
Once again this year there is an exciting event motto
Digitalization and decarbonization
. Two big terms that affect our entire economy and the future and will play a central role especially in the interim management market.
Our keynote speaker Kai Gondlach makes a fascinating case that these two topics represent the future megatrends. We demonstrate that sustainability, ESG and digitalization have already found their way into our industry through case studies and case studies in various assignments and mandates. You will get a broader view but also positively take away a potential and development opportunity for you as an interim manager.
Again part of the Management Dinner on the previous evening is the
Award of the Interim Manager of the Year 2022 and at KIM the awarding of the title CIM – Certified Interim Manager
together with the professional association UBIT/Incite.
Hotel Crowne Plaza – The Pitter, Salzburg
We were again able to attract entrepreneurs, board members and practitioners as speakers. Take part in this exciting, supra-regional conference, find out about current topics, get practical tips from numerous field reports and engage in interesting discussions and conversations. Once again, numerous exhibitors from many well-known interim providers and other service providers await you – the marketplace for interim management.
Program Overview:
- KR Alfred Harl, MBA, CMC , Chairman of the UBIT Association
Dr. Martin L. Mayr,MBA, Chairman of the Board DÖIM
Award of the CIM – Certified Interim Manager certification - Dr.-Ing. Marei Strack, Chairwoman of the Board DDIM
Sustainable Success in Interim Management - Dr. Andreas Suter, Chairman of the AIMP, Chairman of MAGNALIA
Digitalization of Interim Management? - Reinhold Pfeifer, Managing Director Management Factory Corporate Advisory GmbH
ESG reporting, a challenge for the entire organization - Keynote: Kai Gondlach, Futurologist and Owner of PROFORE – Institute for Futures
Digitalization and decarbonization – the future megatrends - Andreas Draxler, Member of the Managing Board, A.B.S. Factoring AG
Factoring in transition: a look behind the scenes - Berthold Glass, NFT expert, founder of the NFT Club
NFT – Hype or Future? - Philipp GAGGL BA, Director ESG & Sustainability Consulting, PwC Austria
Current ESG requirements and implementation in practice - Dr. Marcus Rodermann, consultant for digitalization, former Chief Digital Officer of Lidl
Digital transformation in retail - Dr. Thomas Riegler, CEO and Co-Founder Vagabond Solutions, Advisory Board and Partner of Sustainable Growth Associates
Thinking sustainability sustainably – What interim managers need to know - DI Bernhard Funcke, Operations Manager, Österreichische Bundesforste AG
Climate change-related innovations in forest management - Elmar R. Gorich (Dipl.-Bw./MBA), Managing Director EGO-Consulting / Advisory & Management Services
Megatrend: Digital Sustainability: Understanding the Present – Shaping a Sustainable Future
We look forward to your participation, be there! Also take the opportunity to share this post with your network.