KIM – Conference Interim Management is scheduled to take place in early September: THE COLORFUL WORLD OF INTERIM MANAGEMENT
The annual highlight of the interim management industry will also be postponed in 2022. It is expected that the KIM will take place at the beginning of September. Then look forward with us to an interesting program with exciting presentations and case studies, with plenty of room for discussion and networking.
In any case, the award of the Interim Manager of the Year 2022 will again be part of the Management Dinner the evening before and at KIM the award of the title CIM – Certified Interim Manager will take place together with the professional association UBIT/Incite.
The Management Dinner on the evening before will again be held in cooperation with the AIMP – Arbeitskreis Interim Management Provider.
As a supporting program, KIM is accompanied by a networking dinner the evening before. You can expect an excellent 4 – course menu including aperitif and beverage accompaniment.
Top excellent cuisine, cool ambience, great selection of wines and drinks with a unique panoramic view over the rooftops of Salzburg!
Outlook for KIM 2022
Look forward with us to an interesting program with exciting presentations and case studies, with plenty of room for discussion and networking.
The 7th KIM Conference for Interim Management is themed “The colorful world of interim management”.
We were again able to attract entrepreneurs, board members and practitioners as speakers. Take part in this exciting, supra-regional conference, find out about current topics, get practical tips from field reports and engage in interesting discussions and conversations.
Once again, you can expect numerous exhibitors from many well-known interim providers and other service providers, the marketplace for interim management.