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München2 Event

DDIM Regulars’ Table // Munich

On October 14, more than 30 interim managers, newcomers and interested parties came together to discuss current industry highlights and to network.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
Titelbild WIL Member Newsletter News

GOiNTERIM is Partner of the WIL Group – International / Global / Worldwide

We are delighted to have been a partner and shareholder of the WIL Group - Worldwide Interim Leadership - since September of this year.<!-- AddThis ...
IMG_8508 Event

25th German Equity Day

On September 10, 2024, THE industry event of the private equity sector took place in Berlin.<!-- ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-05.jpg Interim

Interim Head of Finance/ CFO // Automotive // Mexico

We are currently looking for an Interim Finance Manager/ CFO in the automotive supply industry in Mexico.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-16 Interim

Interim COO/ Production Manager // Automotive // Mexico

We are currently looking for an Interim COO/ Production Manager in the automotive supply industry in Mexico.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt ...
IMG_3788 Event

Interim Management Meeting in Salzburg

On Monday, the DÖIM regional event took place in Salzburg with a record number of 45 participants - we even had to organize extra rows ...
PHOTO-2024-06-20-22-06-28 Event

Networking event in Vienna

Last Thursday, the DÖIM regional event took place once again in Vienna. Once again well attended, exciting presentations, plenty of space for networking and direct ...
GOiNTERIM-Branchen Interim

Business Case: Mindset Change – A current report on the assignment as Interim Head of Operations CEE at a French company

A comprehensive transformation program was initiated at a leading French group active in the cable manufacturing sector. The plant management of the central site in ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-loesungen-hd-01 Interim

Business case: Successful restructuring in the food industry – A success story about the turnaround of a company after just six months

How a company in the food industry experienced an impressive turnaround and regained its competitiveness in just six months - an inspiring story of professional ...
IMG_7453 Event

DDIM Regulars’ Table // Munich

On 03.06. the monthly Interim Management Stammtisch was once again held in Munich. With over 30 participants, the "hut was full" - which of course ...
IMG_7507 - für post Event

Artificial intelligence as a driver of transformation in the automotive industry – The VDA SME Day in Bonn

Under the title "Artificial intelligence as a driver of transformation", the annual conference of medium-sized VDA member companies took place last week. The German Association ...
VDA Event

VDA SME Day “Artificial intelligence as a driver of transformation” – We are there!

The 24th SME Day of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) will take place in Bonn on June 5-6 under the motto "Strengthening ...
IMG CIM 2405 neu Event

Interim Management Course CIM

Last week, the Professional Interim Management course took place again in Vienna. The course prepares participants ideally for the CIM Certified Interim Manager award. <!-- ...
shutterstock_267953615 - Entwicklung F&E Interim

Business Case – New communication strategy for Business Unit OEM including implementation as Interim Head of Marketing in medical technology

The management urgently needs a uniform presentation for the OEM division, which accounts for the largest share of sales. To date, there have been various ...
shutterstock_324729722 - pharma biotech Interim

Business Case – Development of a campaign management for lead generation as an interim marketing manager in the pharmaceutical industry

Marketing has been given a new area of responsibility and is responsible for generating marketing qualified leads (MQLs) in the sales funnel. Previously, this was ...
IMG_6950 Event

DDIM.REGIONAL // MUNICH – Follow-up report on 04.04.

In cooperation with the IfUS Institute and Prof. Dr. Henning Werner, the regional event of the interim management scene took place on Thursday. 100 guests, ...
240403 Nominierung Liebelt News

GOiNTERIM Manager nominated for the AIMP Interim Manager of the Year 2024

This year, our manager, Dr. Stefan Liebelt, was nominated for the international award for Interim Manager of the Year 2024. Congratulation!<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic ...
pic15-free-img Interim

From Chaos to Success: connecting trends and technologies to build up sustainable product portfolios

The B2B chemical company that serves to multiple end use markets was under pressure to quickly develop new sustainable products to capture the shifting demand ...
Auszeichnung News

Ms. Monika Manzl is Interim Manager of the Year in Austria – GOiNTERIM congratulates! 🏆

This year, our manager, Monika Manzl, was named Interim Manager of the Year. We at GOiNTERIM congratulate on the award!<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via ...
1710336065941 Press

How can interim managers hedge their risks?

Today, interim managers are deployed in a wide variety of situations - whether in the event of sudden absences or when restructuring a company.<!-- AddThis ...
Bild News

Interim Management Course

This exciting course was developed in cooperation with DÖIM and other experts - an intensive 3-day preparation for the Certified Interim Manager course.<!-- AddThis Advanced ...
Double,Exposure,Graphic,Of,Business,People,Working,Over,Wind,Turbine Permanent

Interim project management/ ESG

We are currently looking for an Interim Project Manager/ ESG for an international company in the textile industry. <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter ...
PHOTO-2024-03-12-15-04-18 Event

DDIM Regulars’ Table // Munich

On 11.03. the monthly Interim Management Stammtisch took place again in Munich - with increasing interest! Over 40 participants took part in the event this ...
IMG_7730 Event

Review KIM 2024 / 9th KIM – Conference for Interim Management

On 01. The Conference for Interim Management 2024 (KIM for short) took place in Salzburg on March 2 and 2 - THE industry meeting place ...
240229 Case HR Interim

Restructuring of the HR department as interim personnel manager

A recent report on the deployment of an interim HR manager at an international group of companies in the special machine construction sector.<!-- AddThis Advanced ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-10 News

The secrets of successful corporate management revealed! 🎙️

A podcast with our Managing Director Dr. M. Ludwig Mayr on the topic of "Successful corporate management". We cordially invite you to this exciting 30 ...
DDIM Event

DDIM.REGIONAL // MUNICH – April 4, 2024

The next DDIM.regional // Munich will take place on Thursday, April 4, 2024. We cordially invite you as interim managers, provider representatives and interested parties ...
IMG_6503 Event

DDIM Regulars’ Table // Munich

On 05.02. the interim scene met again in Munich to exchange ideas, with great interest! Almost 40 participants took part in the event.<!-- AddThis Advanced ...
Bild_KIM_2024 Event

9th KIM – Conference for Interim Management: “THE NEW INTERIM MANAGEMENT GENERATION” on 01. and March 02, 2024 in Salzburg

This year's event once again has an exciting motto - "THE NEW INTERIM MANAGEMENT GENERATION". Under this motto, exciting cases and special presentations will show ...
shutterstock_280867157 - Elektrotechnik - klein Interim

Project management in the systems business of an international manufacturer of electrotechnical equipment – a business case

The company is a manufacturer of electrotechnical equipment for the process industry. In addition to devices, system solutions are also sold via globally active sales ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-navigation-back Interim/ internal consultant

Project management in the systems business of an international manufacturer of electrotechnical equipment

The company is a manufacturer of electrotechnical equipment for the process industry. In addition to devices, system solutions are also sold via globally active sales ...
IMG_6372 Event

DDIM Regulars’ Table // Munich

The interim scene met again in Munich on Monday at the start of the year for the monthly DDIM regulars' table.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic ...
Mechanized,Industry,Robot,And,Robotic,Arms,For,Assembly,In,Factory Interim

Success story: Procurement cost reductions/cost cutting as an interim strategic category buyer with the help of AI tools

As a leading international manufacturer of commercial vehicles with an annual turnover of around 2.5 billion euros and over 5,500 employees, the company was faced ...
3D Interim

Rapid prototyping – transparency as the basis for a successful sales offensive – Interim sales manager of a 3D printing company

A global economic crisis led to a significant slump in sales, particularly due to the strong dependence on the automotive industry. Without a dedicated sales ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-20 Interim

Quality Manager Premium Automotive // Interim Supplier Quality Manager & Resident Quality Engineer

The GOiNTERIM Manager was deployed specifically for the demanding project as Supplier Quality Manager & Quality Resident Engineer. The challenge was to ensure that the ...
Auszeichnung Event

Interim Management Project of the Year 2023 🏆 GOiNTERIM was awarded again this year!

We are overjoyed and proud to announce that GOiNTERIM has won the coveted Interim Management Project of the Year 2023 from the renowned umbrella organization ...
DDIM- Kongress Event

Successful DDIM.kongress: Insights and innovations in interim management – The event of the interim industry in Germany/ Düsseldorf

The DDIM.kongress for Interim Management is not just an annual event, but a focal point for executives, experts and interim managers from all over the ...
231107 DDIM Stammtisch Event

DDIM Regulars’ Table // Munich

At the penultimate regulars' table of the year, the interim scene met again in Munich on Monday - a nice and lively exchange among interim ...
230616 DÖIM Region Wien 2 Event

DÖIM Regional Event in Vienna – Agile Leadership and Restructuring

On Friday (16.06.) the DÖIM regional event took place in the Beletage of the traditional Viennese restaurant Zum Schwarzen Kameel, which was able to inspire ...
230615 DÖIM Region Sbg Event

DÖIM regional event in Salzburg – The new model contract for interim management

On Thursday (15.06.) the DÖIM regional event took place in the penthouse of the WIFI in Salzburg, this time the main topic was the new ...
Führung mit Präsenz – eine Transformation Interim

Interim CEO – Leadership with presence – a transformation

How to change an existing team from administrators to creators through collaborative leadership, straightforwardness and open communication? Giving goals and responsibility, with the necessary freedom ...
Entwicklung zur Financial Excellence einer internationalen Maschinenbaugruppe Interim

Interim CFO – Development to Financial Excellence of an International Engineering Group

As part of this mandate, an experienced interim CFO was deployed in an international engineering group to realign the finance function to a proactive business ...
Erfolgreicher Turnaround eines etablierten Automobilzulieferunternehmens Interim

Successful turnaround of an established automotive supplier company

An internationally established company in the automotive supply industry was faced with the challenge of restoring its competitiveness in a difficult market environment. The use ...
230523 Mayr Constantinus 23 News

Constantinus Award 2023: Dr. Mayr on the high-caliber jury

The Constantinus Award, the renowned prize in the field of consulting, accounting and IT, is entering its 21st year this year! The awards will be ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-team-bg-menue-03 Interim

Interim PMO – Project Management Office (Development Covid-Testing-Business)

Around the height of the Covid 19 pandemic, a business involving mass testing of cruise ship passengers was to be quickly established for an international ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-14 Interim

Interim Project Manager/ COO – Establishment of a production site in Eastern Europe

An international company in the mechatronics industry sees a short-term need for the establishment of a cost-efficient production site in Eastern Europe as part of ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-16.jpg Interim

Interim Director Supply Chain Management

An international group took over a competitor with 35,000 employees at the beginning of the year. The project's operating company was one of these former ...
shutterstock_233243101 - CFO kfm leitung Interim

Interim Project Manager / Worldwide IFRS Conversion

At a Tier 1 automotive supplier, the group-wide accounting system was changed from HGB to IFRS, as globally stakeholders, such as customers and suppliers, as ...
230503 Highlights AIMP Studie23 News

The interim management market is booming!

Highlights of the AIMP Study 2023 The umbrella organization of interim management providers in the D-A-CH region - AIMP - publishes the annual market study ...
shutterstock_324729722 - pharma biotech Press

GOiNTERIM asks – Interim Managers answer

Interview with Dr. Bodo Antonic, Executive Interim Manager<!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt ...
Aufbau des Finanzbereiches – von 0 auf 100 Interim

Interim CFO / Establishment of the finance department – from 0 to 100

An online digital marketing agency was acquired by a private equity firm. The private equity house invests in successful, owner-managed companies and supports them locally ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-030 Press

Positive development in the interim management market – utilization and fee volume at record levels

Germany continues to experience high demand for highly qualified and experienced temporary professionals and managers. This is the result of the annual market survey conducted ...
gointerim-case-Transformationsprozess-des-Einkaufs-eines-internationalen-Automobilzulieferers Interim

Interim CRO / P&L gap analysis and EBIT increase of a Tier 1 supplier

In the course of the earnings analysis, the P&L margin is to be examined and the profitability of the supplier is to be increased significantly....<!-- ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-automotive Interim

Interim CRO / Continuous Improvement & Lean Management

As part of the focus on operational excellence and increasing production performance, the manufacturing costs of an automotive supplier were to be optimized and reduced....<!-- ...
GOiNTERIM-leadership-and-management-12 Interim

Interim CRO / Reduction of quality costs of a tier 2 supplier

As part of the restructuring, the internal and external quality costs of a Tier 2 supplier should be reviewed and significantly reduced....<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
shutterstock_367633145 - Automotive Interim

Interim CRO / Restructuring and increase critical equity ratio

A strategy for rapidly increasing the equity ratio of a Tier 1 should be developed within the framework of the owner-supervisory board. The corporate imbalance ...
230413 Case Lebensmittel Interim

Interim CEO / Turnaround at COVID times

The company is one of the most important producers of frozen food in Austria and has been facing a negative business development for more than ...
230413 Nominierung Nielbock News

GOiNTERIM Manager nominated for AIMP Interim Manager of the Year 2023

This year our manager, Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Nielbock, was nominated for the international award of Interim Manager of the Year 2023. Congratulation!<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic ...
Bild AIMP - neu Event

AIMP – Annual Forum 2022 on 29. / April 30, 2022

“More solution instead of problems”, is the divise of interim management. But how do you get to the best solution? Professor ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
Bild 2 Press

Interim Management – Hard times make more work

The Interim Management Congress took place for the 8th time this year: After the Corona damper, the industry is experiencing double-digit growth rates due to ...
230327 regional bayern Event

27.03.2023 – DDIM.regional // Bavaria in Munich

On Monday, March 27, at DDIM.regional // Bavaria, we will deal with one of the core topics in interim management: project success. We can do ...
DDIM Event

DDIM- Regulars’ Table in Munich

After the KIM is known to be before the KIM and so yesterday the next monthly DDIM regulars' table was again on the agenda in ...
230306 Interim Manager des Jahres 2023 News

Dr. Bodo Antonic named Interim Manager of the Year 2023

This year our manager, Dr. Bodo Antonic, was awarded Interim Manager of the Year. 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐳𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧!<!-- ...
230306 Case IM des Jahres 2023 Interim

Turnaround with force and effect

An owner-managed, medium-sized group of three companies is to be sold. The situation is sensitive: EBIT is weakly positive, the seller has a business and ...
230306 NEWS Mayr als Regio Verantwortlicher DDIM MUE News

Martin Ludwig Mayr in the team of the DDIM.regional leaders in Munich

For several years we have been an associated provider partner of DDIM, the umbrella organization of German Interim Management in Germany. DDIM is committed to ...
Bild 1 Event

8th KIM – Conference for Interim Management: “DIGITALIZATION AND DECARBONIZATION” on 03. and 04 March 2023 in Salzburg

Once again this year, there is an exciting event motto - "Digitalization and decarbonization". Two big terms that affect our entire economy and the future ...
230201 DDIM Lokal MUE Bild Event

DDIM- Regulars’ Table in Munich

The next Stammtisch - After the successful start to the year, the interim management scene is meeting again today in Munich....<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic ...
shutterstock_525547027 - FMCG Handel - klein Interim

Project for the reorganization and sale of the company

The project focused on the acquisition of an international group of companies/food discounters with stores in Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Argentina from a London-based investment ...
KIM-2023-TITELBILD_800px Event

8th KIM – Conference for Interim Management: “DIGITALIZATION AND DECARBONIZATION” on 03. and 04 March 2023 in Salzburg

Once again this year, there is an exciting event motto - "Digitalization and decarbonization". Two big terms that affect our entire economy and the future ...
180210 OON_10_KAR_02 Event

DÖIM Regional Event – Webinar

The next DÖIM regional event will take place on 07 February. As a webinar, this is free of charge and serves primarily as a networking ...
230116 DDIm Stammtisch Event

DDIM Regulars’ Table in Munich

𝐄𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐌ü𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧 - 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐮𝐟𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐭! The Interim Management Stammtisch Munich is the meeting place of the interim scene in Bavaria. Networking and ...
DDIM_Kongress_Düsseldorf_2022 Event

DDIM Congress in Düsseldorf

At 28. and 29. October the DDIM.kongress took place in Düsseldorf. With its more than 400 interim managers, providers and guests from companies, science and ...
221128 Event DÖIM Wien Event

DÖIM regional event in Vienna

On 30.11.2022 the DÖIM regional event took place in Vienna. In terms of content, in addition to the active networking of the interim scene, the ...
221128 Event DÖIM Sbg Event

DÖIM regional event in Salzburg

On 24.11.2022 the DÖIM regional event took place in Salzburg as a breakfast. In addition to the networking of the interim scene, the focus was ...
“SMART COSTING”-Projekt Interim

Project for cost optimization in the production of a flat glass manufacturer

For a Japanese flat glass manufacturer with European HQ in Brussels, costs were optimized in their 16 large production plants in Europe. A mid-single-digit million ...
221114 Case CS Interim

Development and optimization of the customer experience in an international FMCG group

The company was not satisfied with the performance of Customer Service and therefore had to part with the management at short notice. There were large ...
221114 DDIM Lokal MUE Event

DDIM Regulars’ Table in Munich

The place was really *full*... The Interim Management Stammtisch Munich is the meeting place of the interim scene in Bavaria. Networking and exchange among interim ...
Asian,Engineer,Smart,City,Industry,Background,,Sustainable,Power,Saving,Energy Interim

Development of a business unit for an international energy company including sales organization

A leading international energy company was undergoing a comprehensive transformation process. The interim manager was tasked with building up one of the main pillars of ...
221017 Report Personalwirtschaft Press

The interim management market is booming – also in the HR sector

The staff shortage is reaching the management level, and the need for HR experts is also high. In times of need, many companies hire managers ...
221010 wiederwahl Vorstand AIMP News

Martin L. Mayr as deputy Chairman of the AIMP confirmed

At the AIMP General Meeting in September 22, our Executive Director Martin L. Mayr was unanimously re-elected as Vice President. Chairman confirmed. "The interim market ...
2 News

State Award Consulting 2022 – Thank you for serving on the jury!

On September 21, the State Prize for Consulting "Management Consulting and IT" of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economics was awarded at the Vienna ...
Kongress_Doeim_174 Event

KIM 2022 – the industry get-together again!

On Saturday the 03.09.2022 the DÖIM - Dachorganisation Österreichisches Interim Management organized for the 7th time the Conference for Interim Management (KIM) in Salzburg. In ...
220810 wiederwahlVorstand DÖIM News

Martin L. Mayr confirmed as Chairman of the Board DÖIM

In the General Assembly of June 2022, our Managing Director M. Ludwig Mayr was re-elected Chairman of the Board of DÖIM. "We have a lot ...
shutterstock_277560848 - PE News

Martin L. Mayr appointed as member of the top-class state prize jury

The State Award Consulting "Management Consulting and IT" will be awarded this year by Federal Minister Mag. Dr. Martin Kocher, the ceremony will take place ...
GOiNTERIM-funktionen Press

Interim management in uncertain times

Supply chain bottlenecks, the Ukraine war, and currently still drastic increases in energy prices - many medium-sized companies are under massive pressure to act. Interim ...
220702 6 Gipfeltreffen Bild News

6th Summit of the Interim Management Industry

The 6th Summit of the Interim Management Industry took place on 30/6/1/7/2022. The Interim Provider Association AIMP invited all associations to Lucerne for an exchange. ...
220624 Bild DÖIM News

Martin L. Mayr confirmed as Chairman of the Board of DÖIM

On 24.06.2022 the general assembly of the DÖIM took place. The Board of Directors was re-elected on a 3-year cycle. Our Managing Director Martin L. ...
gointerim-case-Transformationsprozess-des-Einkaufs-eines-internationalen-Automobilzulieferers Interim

Transformation process of the purchasing department of an international automotive supplier

Automotive supplier Multiple locations International Group The entire purchasing department of the corporate group was undergoing a massive transformation process. The group is in the ...
management gointerim lettmann News

When a manager comes to leave

Article 4/2022 Chief info An interview with Siegfried Lettmann and Dr. Martin L. Mayr TRANSFORMATION. Interim managers are increasingly in demand ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
Gointerim-Antonic News

Nomination for Interim Manager of the Year 2022 | AIMP Nomination for GOiNTERIM Manager Bodo Antonic

Since 2011, the AIMP has been awarding the title “Interim Manager of the Year” for outstanding achievements in interim management, an ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
220512 PWCreport bild - Website News

Private Equity Activities at Record Level | PWC Private Equity Trend Report 2022

2021, the European economy has gradually recovered from COVID-19 and the consequences of the pandemic. Despite some ongoing uncertainties, deal activity ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
220610 DDIM Reporte Bild Case Interim

International transformation and strategic realignment | Business case as interim CEO/Managing Director

Producing company Two locations International Group One site of an international group had come under enormous pressure in terms of price and cost situation. The ...
lukas gointerim News

We strengthen our candidate management | Welcome, Lukas!

The last few years we have been able to steadily develop our growth path. Thank goodness we also got through the ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
Titelseite Studie ADESW News

Clear correlation between economic growth and share of self-employed knowledge workers

The result is clear: The share of knowledge workers shows a significant positive correlation with the level of economic growth. Knowledge-intensive ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
7.KIM Foto Event

7th KIM – Conference for Interim Management: “THE COLORFUL WORLD OF INTERIM MANAGEMENT” on 2. and September 3, 2022

With this year's event motto, The Colorful World of Interim Management, we want to show the breadth of possible applications in interim management and the ...
logo-constantinus - neu News

International Constantinus Award 2022: Dr. Mayr appointed as jury member

The Constantinus Award, Austria’s major consulting, accounting and IT prize and quality initiative of the UBIT trade association of the WKO, ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
Bild AIMP - neu Event

AIMP – Annual Forum 2022 on 29. / April 30, 2022

“More solution instead of problems”, is the divise of interim management. But how do you get to the best solution? Professor ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
Bild INIMA Survey - neu News

INIMA Report 2022: 2021 was a good year for interim management

This year, the international study was conducted by INIMA for the 2nd time. INIMA is the International Network for Interim Management ...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings ...
Case CFO France Interim

Interim CFO at subsidiary in France

Plastics industry / Automotive Location France International group of companies In a restructuring case of an international group of companies in the plastics/automotive industry, the ...
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