DÖIM regional event in Vienna
On 30.11.2022 the evening DÖIM regional event took place again in Vienna.
As at the last event in Salzburg, there were again two very exciting presentations,
“Factoring – The Liquidity Injection for Medium-Sized Businesses”
(Mag. (FH) Andreas Draxler, Member of the Executive Board A.B.S. Factoring AG) and “Sustainable Management – ESG as a Driver for Sustainable Management”. (Oliver Messner MSc, Der Sustamizer – Sustainable-ManagementBeratung), as well as enough space and time for networking of the interim scene .
Brief content on the subject of factoring:
Factoring has been an integral part of the Austrian financing landscape for several years now. Andreas Draxler used two practical examples to demonstrate the versatile application possibilities and forms of this modern instrument. It also illustrated how companies can benefit at various stages of their lifecycle.
Short content on the topic of sustainable management:
Green deal business transformation is becoming an increasingly relevant field of activity for all company sizes and thus also for interim management. Based on his project experience, Oliver Messner described the requirements that all company sizes have to meet and pointed out possible implementation approaches.