

Executive Director and Board of Directors. The Interim CEO

Particularly in the upper management levels, it is often difficult to quickly find a suitable replacement solution for the transitional period. Both a sudden departure of a managing director and a temporary absence due to illness or parental leave can pose major challenges for the company’s management. In this situation, an interim managing director or CEO can be deployed to ensure that the company’s internal processes run smoothly. As a temporary solution, the interim manager – or interim executive – provides rapid assistance to fill personnel gaps in the company.

In contrast to a permanent position, the interim manager is usually employed on a project-related basis and for a limited period of time. This means that he or she must familiarize himself or herself with the company’s structures and processes in the shortest possible time in order to be able to act as quickly as possible. But this challenge also offers advantages, both for the interim CEO himself and for the company. The interim manager can provide new impetus through his diverse experience and competencies, while at the same time using the company’s existing know-how to effectively achieve the company’s goals and objectives. For the company, the use of an interim managing director also means flexibility and the ability to react quickly in crisis situations.

The interim CEO represents a special form of interim management. In this position, he or she takes over the management of the company for a limited period of time, either completely or in sub-areas. This special form of interim management is often used in crisis situations to reorganize company divisions or to bridge personnel shortfalls. In doing so, the interim CEO can bring his wide-ranging experience and expertise to bear and act quickly and purposefully to get the company back on track.

As an interim management provider, we support companies in every industry in their search for the ideal interim managing director or CEO. We bring our years of experience and our extensive network of interim managers to the table to find the best possible solution for each company.

Reference projects, including those with the function of managing director or board member

Interim CRO / P&L gap analysis and EBIT increase of a Tier 1 supplier

In the course of the earnings analysis, the P&L margin is to be examined and the profitability of the supplier is to be increased significantly....<!-- ...

Interim CRO / Continuous Improvement & Lean Management

As part of the focus on operational excellence and increasing production performance, the manufacturing costs of an automotive supplier were to be optimized and reduced....<!-- ...

Interim CEO – Leadership with presence – a transformation

How to change an existing team from administrators to creators through collaborative leadership, straightforwardness and open communication? Giving goals and responsibility, with the necessary freedom ...

Successful turnaround of an established automotive supplier company

An internationally established company in the automotive supply industry was faced with the challenge of restoring its competitiveness in a difficult market environment. The use ...

Interim CFO / Establishment of the finance department – from 0 to 100

An online digital marketing agency was acquired by a private equity firm. The private equity house invests in successful, owner-managed companies and supports them locally ...

Turnaround with force and effect

An owner-managed, medium-sized group of three companies is to be sold. The situation is sensitive: EBIT is weakly positive, the seller has a business and ...

Are you looking for immediate support with a high level of expertise that will lead your project to success quickly and safely? We are here for you.

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