Image credit: florian-ziegler.at
Last week, the Professional Interim Management course took place again in Vienna. The course ideally prepares participants for the CIM Certified Interim Manager award.
It was another full course with many people interested in interim management. It is always exciting to see both interested parties and managers who are new to interim management. As well as “old hands”, managers who have been doing interim management for ten or more years – so exciting in all areas.
Our Managing Director, Mr. Mayr, is always looking forward to his part and provides the subcontractors with good tools for the interim market. “This course was particularly exciting again,” says Mayr “Interim managers from a wide range of sectors, from automotive to tourism. The discussions were heated, but very constructive. I always take away interesting things from our work together!”
As always, the course covers all areas of interim management, an all-round approach to all relevant topics:
The key success factors in interim management
The necessary basic skills, the combination of consulting expertise with line competence, optimal time management and other success factors.
Strengthening your own positioning
Illustrate your own skills and strengths in your profile, develop a personal mission statement and your own “brand”, work out core messages, communicate authentically and emotionally, find the right channels.
High practical relevance & exchange of experience and discussion
Know-how transfer by experienced experts and exchange of experience as well as the opportunity to discuss with them, plus case studies to consolidate the knowledge acquired.
Certification- Certified Interim Manager
The Certified Interim Manager award builds on this. They have extensive practical experience in interim management, many years of management experience, an analytical way of thinking, speed in familiarizing themselves with new areas of responsibility and business situations, a high degree of decisiveness, results and goal orientation, strong structuring and prioritization skills, effective self-marketing and a sales-oriented manner.
This certification was developed in cooperation with DÖIM – Dachorganisation Österreichisches Interim Management.
Here is the link to the Interim Management course: Interim Management course (incite.at)
Next course:
Dr. Martin Ludwig Mayr, Managing Director
+49 89 20 500 8695
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